
District Skill Development

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The District is centrally located in the valley of Kashmir. The economy of the District mainly depends on the agriculture Sector. The District is famous for Rice production. Besides Rice production District Pulwama is famous for quality Saffron production all over the world. The District is also famous for production of milk which is largest in the Union Territory and is known as “Anand of Kashmir” or Dudha-Kul of Kashmir.The District is leading in Poultry production and is rightly called as “Ludiana of Kashmir” for highest poultry production.

The District is rich in Horticulture resources, with vast apple orchards. Over 77 per cent of its geographical area is under forests. The major commercial species which are grown in these forests are timber, deodar, kail and fur. In addition, medicinal herbs are also available.


  • Mapping of Skill profile of District
  • Appraisal of District Skill Ecosystem.
  • To interact with stakeholders in the district and identify enablers and challenges in skill Development
  • Identifying District specific and potential areas of support required in the district
  • Preparation and implementation of District skill development plan for optimum utilization of skill infrastructure.
  • To assess upcoming employment opportunities and to align the training courses with them.
  • To select and impart training in different courses including socially excluded groups like women, Pwds and SC/ST’s


The breakup of population upcoming workforce and current workforce is as given below:-

Population Total PWD SC ST Others
Male 57808
Female  53170

 Population in the Age Group of 15-39 Years

Population Total RBA PWD SC ST OBC Others
Male  122233
Female  115382

Population in the Age Group of 40 and Above

Population Total RBA PWD SC ST OBC Others
Male 73148
Female 66494

Demographic Profile of population

Population Total Rural Urban
 560440  479978  80462
Workers & Non Workers Workers (Main+ Marginal) Main Marginal Non Workers
 188420 98306  90114 371580
Population (5-14 Years) 110977
Total working age Population (15-34 years)  200842
Sex Ratio Per 1000 Males 912
Category SC ST RBA OBC Others
 402  22607 537431
No of Pwds
Literacy Rate 65%  (2011 Census)


S.No Parameter/Indicator Male Female Total
1 Enrolment in Primary school  68737  66852 135589
2 Enrolment in Secondary  school  11215  11583 22798
3 Enrolment in Higher education  6106  4501  10607


The economy of the District mainly depends on Agriculture Sector and Horticulture products. The District is famous for Rice production, Poultry Production, Milk Production. The District is famous for quality production of Saffron all over the world

As of 2009-10, the gross district domestic product (GDDP) of Pulwama district was Rs. 2,573.72 crore. The district has vibrant Industrial Sector as well, the details of number of Industrial units registered and top performing sector and emerging sector is given in table.

Number of Registered Business entities ( Industry & service Sectors) 1908
Approximate Number of Unregistered Entities 875
Top performing Sectors (At Least Five) 1.      Food Processing Units

2.      Cement units

3.      Wood based units

4.      Packaging Units

5.      CA Stores

6.      Bat Manufacturing  Industry

Emerging Sectors (At Least Three) 1.      E-Commerce of traditional/ Agri Products

2.      Organic farming

3.      Dairy Processing

4.      Beauty and wellness


a)       Employment Profile working age 15 to 59 years people in District

S.No Parameter/Indicator Male Female Total
1 Number of employed in formal sector(Manufacturing & Services 77222 16757 93979
2 Number of employed in informal sector(Manufacturing & Services 4435 6180 10615
3 Number Employed in farm sector 56771 27055 83826

b)        Unemployment profile in District

S.No Parameter/Indicator Male Female Total
1 Total unemployed
2 Educated Unemployed  6106 4501  10607
3 Skilled unemployed  950  650  1600

Employment Profile of the District

S.No Sector No. %age of Total workforce
1 Cultivators 49746 26.4
2 Agricultural Labourers 34080 18.1
3 Livestock hunting   forestry   –
4 Mining & querying
5 Manufacturing and  processing other than  house hold section
6  House hold industry   workers 10615 5.63
7  Construction
8 Trade and Commerce
9 Transport storage  and  Communication
10 Others 93979 49.87
Total 188420 100


In the year 2019, the Government of Jammu & Kashmir conducted a survey of Post Graduate un-employed youth. Those who had completed their post-graduation in any subject and were un-employed at that time were asked to register with the concerned District Employment and Counseling Centers. In District Pulwama, the total number of candidates who registered themselves was 10,607. The following table depicts data of unemployed postgraduates Subject wise.

Table 1 Number of Un-Employed Post Graduate Youth in District Pulwama (registered with District Employment Office

Postgraduate Un-Employed Youth Male Female Total
Science 1036 467 1503
Arts 4060 3676 7736
Commerce 211 102 313
Engineering 226 70 296
Medical Science 7 5 12
Professional 566 181 747
Total 6106 4501 10607


Migration Profile in District Parameter/Indicator Male Female Total
1 Number of People Migrated out of District
2 Number of People Migrated into  District  12000
3 Skilled unemployed

Status of Skill Based Institution in the District

S.No Name of Institute Intake capacity of  Short Term Courses Intake capacity of

1 Year Courses

Intake capacity of 2 Year Courses Intake capacity of 3 Years  Courses
1 IIFS 120
2 Advance Skill Development Centre (ASDC) 480
3 Roman Technologies (RT) 78
4 Govt. ITI Pulwama 184 112
5 Govt. ITI Pampore 248 68
6 Govt. ITI Tral 24 160 112
7 Govt. Polytechnic Awantipora 180
8 JK Development Action Group 90
9 Handicraft 500
10 RSETI 35
11 Handloom 45
12 Education department (Sangarsh 1564      
Total 2891 637 292 180



S. No Scheme Sector Number of Training Centres Number of Trainers Number of Qualification aligned to NSQF
1 Banking 1 (RT) 1 4
2 Electronics 1 (RT) 1 4
3 Tourism & Hospitality 1  (RT) 1 4
4 Retail 1    (IIFS) 1 4
5 Customer Relation Management 1  (IIFS) 1 4
6 Assistant Electrician 1    (IIFS) 1 4
7 Food & Beverage 1    (IIFS) 1 4
8 Domestic Data Entry 1 (ASDC) 1 4
9 Plumber 1 (ASDC) 1 4
10 Tailoring 1 (ASDC) 1 4
11 Repairing of Phone 1 (ASDC) 1 4
12 Cluster manager 1(JKDAG) 1 4
13 Insurance & Sales associate 1(JKDAG) 1 4
14 Sales representative 1(JKDAG) 1 4


S. No Scheme Sector Number of Training Centres Number of Trainers Number of Qualification aligned to NSQF
1 Vocational Education of School education IT 11 11
2 Security 3 3
3 Tourism 4 4
4 Retail 4 4
5 Healthcare 2 2
6 Agriculture 1 1
7 Media &Entertainment 1 1


S.No Scheme Sector Sector Job Role Number of Training Centres Total Capacity Actual Intake
1 Diploma Electric &Electronics Electrical Engineering Servicing 1 60 60
CTS Mechanic Consumer Electronics Servicing 1  24  24
Mechanic AC & Refrigeration Servicing 1  24  24
Electronic Mechanic Servicing 1  24  24
2 Diploma Construction Civil Engineering Servicing 1  60  60
CTS Plumber Servicing 3  72  72
Draftsman Civil Servicing 2  48  48
Electrician Servicing 3  60  60
Welder Servicing 2  40  40
3 CTS IT COPA Servicing 3  72  72
Secretarial Practise Servicing 1  24  24
Stenography & Sec. Astt. Servicing 2  48  48
4 Diploma Automotive Mechanical Engineering Servicing 1  60  60
CTS Mechanic Diesel Servicing 1  24  24
Mechanic Auto Electric & Electronics Servicing 1  24  24
Motor Mechanic Vehicle Servicing 2  48  48
5 CTS Food Industry Fruit & Vegetable Processing Manufacturing 1  24  24
6 CTS Apparel Dress Making Servicing 3  60  60
7 CTS Elementary Education Early Childhood Educator Servicing 1  24  24
8 CTS Hospitality Front Office Assistant Servicing 1  24  24
House Keeping Servicing 1  24  24
9 CTS Healthcare Health & Sanitary Servicing 1  24  24

Education & Training Infrastructure

  1. Training Infrastructure
Type of Training  Centre Scheme implemented Long Term /Short Term No of Centres  Infrastructure
Training Capacity Training sectors Total number of Sanctioned Trainers Total number of Current Trainers Supporting Staff Number of training Centres Active as on date
ITI  CTS  Long Term 3  884  9 40  40 40 3
Poly Technic  Diploma Long Term 1  180  3 3  3  3  1
PMKVY 2.0 Short term 1 480  4 8  8 8 1
DDUGKY  Short term 3 308  9 10  0 0  3
Handicraft Short term 20 500 1 20 10 6 20
RSETI Short term 1 555 3 8 0 0 1
Handloom Long term 4 45 1 8 3 5 4
School Education (Skill centres)  Short term  26  1564  7  40  40  0  25

2. Educational Infrastructure Profile

Number of Schools Primary Secondary High
 498  241 106
Number of Colleges Government Private
4  14
Number of Universities Government Private
 0 1
Types of Universities General Technical Medical Agricultural
Other Educational Institutes  5 paramedical colleges
Any Other Relevant institution



The current and Predicted demand of workforce is given as below

  1. Formal Sector demand (Existing and predicted) in District

Large Scale Units (Manufacturing And Services)

S.No Sector Number of Units Total Manpower Employed Projected Requirement of Human Resource in future (2021-22))
1 Cement Plants 2 987 Nil
2 Food Based     01 (Projected) 0 700
3 Paper Based     01 (Projected) 0 97


MSME units (Manufacturing And Services in District)

S.No Sector Number of Units Total Manpower Employed Projected Requirement of Human Resource in future (2021-22) Gap of Manpower
1 Food Products 72 1416 1758 342
2 Hosiery /RMG 6 18 95 77
3 Drinking Water 3 60 67 7
4 Wood Based 32 650 811 161
5 Leather Products 5 40 125 85
6 Metal Based 49 302 459 157
7 Cement / cement Products 39 875 950 75
8 Paper Based 35 460 630 170
9 Chemical Based 14 70 105 35
10 Plastic Based 31 316 361 45
11 Electric 4 25 45 20
12 Textiles 5 24 34 10
13 Others 38 300 437 137
Total 333 4556 5877 1321


Details of Upcoming Formal sector in District ( Units under establishment and proposed Skilled Human Resource required)


S.No Industry / Sector Job Role Manpower Requirement
1  CA Stores Machine Room Operator 40
Grading Line Operator 20
Fork Lift Operator 30
Computer Operator 30
Quality Control Manager 10
2  Food Processing Industry Food technocrats 15
Food Technician 12
Lab Technician 15
Food analyst 15
3  Metal Industry Lathe Operator 20
Welder 20
Pole swaging Machine operator 30
Coal Furnace Operators 5
Milling Machine Operators 5
Quality Control Engineer 5
4  Paper Based Industry Foreman 22
Duplex print designer 2
Stitching Machinist 44
Corrugation operator 22
Dryer operator (Apple trays) 4
5 Plywood units /Pencil Slates Band Shaw Operators, 15
Boiler Operator 8
Composer 8
Chemist 8
Dryer operator 8
Press Operator 8
Peeling Operator 8
Core Sider 8
6  Milk Processing Units Dairy Plant Manager 10
Machine room operator 15
Quality Control manager 10
Lab Technician 10
Food Analyst 10
7 Plastic Based Industry Quality Control Engineer 8
Extruder Operator 10
Mouldings Operator 12
Machine Operator 30


Details of Existing  Informal Sector

S.No Sector Number of Units Total Manpower Employed Projected Requirement of Human Resource in future (2021-22) Gap of Manpower
1 Food Products 313 2508 2626 118
2 Hosiery /RMG 123 348 828 480
3 Wood Products 335 1611 2388 777
4 Paper &Printing 59 240 310 70
5 Rubber &Plastic 31 90 105 15
6 Non Metal
& Minerals
112 797 837 40
7 Metal Products 149 876 998 122
8 Cement  Products 74 386 418 32
9 Misc& Parts 7 18 29 11
10 Computer
53 120 690 570
11 Others 98 132 268 136
12 Repairing&
160 346 482 136
13 Electric Appliances 22 68 243 175
14 Chemical Products 22 72 104 32
15 Leather Products 7 25 30 5
16 Textiles 8 35 80 45
Total 1573 7672 10436 2764
Details of Upcoming inFormal sector in District ( Units under establishment and proposed Skilled Human Resource required)
S.No Industry / Sector Job Role Manpower Requirement
Bat Manufacturing Bat Designer 110
1 Bandsaw Operator 110
Handle Designer 95
Bed Sticker Designer 30
2 Textiles/Readymade Garments Master Tailors 101
Semi-Skilled Tailors 240
Fashion Designer 20
Curtain Designer 22
Craftsmen  40
Staple 35
Crewel 40
Paper Machine 22
3 Wood Based Industry Carpenter 111
Wood Carving Artisans 66
Planner Operator 102
Wood Machinist 56
Wood newel designer 97
4 Food Based Industry Oil Mill Operator 15
Rice Mill Operator 30
Flour Mill Operator 10
Food Technician 20
Machine Operator for Spice Grinding 18
5 Automobile sector Car Engine Mechanic 60
Denter 45
Painter 40
Designer 10
Bike Mechanic 32
6 IT Sector DTP Operator 225
Typist 250
Digital Printing Operator 30
Printing Press Operator 20
Designer 25
Web Developer 20
7 Electric/Electronic Industry Mobile Repairing 45
Electronics Repairing 35
General Repairing Works 56
Transformer Assembling 25
Electrician 150


S.No Sector Skill Requirement Skill Gaps
1 Food industry Modern Preservation  and Processing Techniques (cold storage) Inadequate knowledge of modern preservatives and cold storage
Ability to undertake chemical analysis and asses PH levels , chemical requirements and biological requirements Inadequate knowledge and ablity to apply technical expertise in actual work situations
understanding basic quality requirements and adequate knowledge to maintaining hygiene while cleaning and packaging. Poor knowledge of operating in hygiene environment
understanding of  food safety and standards Act , the specification of product wise acceptable levels Inadequate understanding of acceptable levels of various chemicals
2 Agriculture and allied Sector Selection of crops as per climate and soil nutrient Management  under organic farming Inadequate knowledge of soil profile and organic farming
Knowledge of latest  techniques in sustainable fisheries Management Inadequate knowledge of Fisheries cultivation and market oppurtunities
Knowledge of basic controls of milk processing machines and maintenanace and repair of machines Inadequate knowledge of handling of machines
Providing of first aid, preventive health care and prevention of contagious diseases in animals Inadequate knowledge of health care of animals
3 Cement Industry Knowledge of operation of various Machines used in cement Plants Inadequate Knowhow of Machine working
Knowledge of quantity of different materials and ratios used to prepare Cement Plant Inadequate Knowledge of rawmaterials and chemicals
Knowledge of Maintainenace required in Compressors , conveyors and other heavy Machines Inadequate Knowhow of Machine working
4 Automobile servicing Ability to run Profitable service station inadequate understanding  of commercial aspects of running a business
Ability to understand technical aspects of new Technologies as the new technology enters market Inadequate knowledge of modern vehicle technology
In depth understanding of vehicle assemblies inability to understand various assemblies in vehicles leading to erroneous assembly
Ability to deal with customers and display courteous professional  as front office assistant inadequate interpersonal and communication skills
Identifying problems using computerized diagonostic tools inadequate understanding of working with modern computer softwares
5 Consumer Electronics Knowledge of Modern Techniques to find faults and analysis of fault in domestic electronic products inadequate repairing Skills
knowledge of Installation of CCTVs and Solar Panels Inadequate Knowledge ininstallation of street lights, solar panels
Repairment of domestic three Phase LT and HT transformers Inadequate Knowledge of modern testing equipments and windings
Interpersonal skills to deal with clients and customers Indequate communication skills
Knowledge  of Electrification in  big buildings like hotels and hospitals Inadequate knowledge of  distribution of loads and wiring of three phase loads
6 Wood industry Knowledge of standard dimensions and Value addition in bats inadequate knowledge of Bat mnfacturing
Knowledge of modern tools and equipments in wood working Inadequate knowledge of modern tools and equipments in wood working
Interpersonal skills to deal with clients and suppliers inadequate Communication skills


The district Plans to create or upgrade skills of at least 5000 youths in the next fiscal year with at least 30% belonging to socially excluded groups like woman, SC/ST and PWD. The same will be done by following ways.

  • By creating awareness among the masses by means of advertisement and seminars about the need, scope and schemes of skill development.
  • By creating new vibrant training infrastructure in the new upcoming sectors like Automotive and dairy processing
  • by augmenting and streamlining already available training infrastructure in the district by opening new trades which will be more aligned with the industry and market.
  • By identifying and training the pool of master trainers and resourceful persons for quality training
  • By robust monitoring and evaluation using information technology .

The various courses to align the skill requirement with skill Demand are as below


S.No Sector Short Term courses Proposed Long Term Courses  Available & Proposed
Course Name Duration Approx Budget needed NSQF level Course Name NSQF level
1 Food industry Pickle Making Technician 280 238000 4 Foo and vegetable processing (one year CTS course in ITI Pulwama)  






Jam Jelly & Ketchup Processing  Technician 280 238000 4
Cold Storage Technician 250 212500 4
Baking Technician 280 238000 4
2 Agriculture and allied Sector Animal Health Worker 340 289000 3
Dairy Farmer/ Entrepreneur 240 204000 3
Organic grower 240 204000 4
Aquaculture worker 240 204000 4  



3 Cement Industry Batching Plant Operator 240 204000 4
Junior Batching Plant Operator 150 127500 3
4 Automative AC Specialist 400 340000 4 Advanced Diploma (Vocational) in Automotive Technology (NEW) 6
Showroom Hostess – Customer Relationship Executive 500 425000 4 Diesel Mechanic (ITI Pampore) 5
Automotive Service Technician (Two and Three Wheelers) 500 425000 4 Motor Mechanic Vehicle (ITI Pulwama & ITI Tral) 5
Car Washer and Assistant Service Technician 500 425000 3 Mechanic Auto Electric & Electronics ( ITI Pampore) 6
5 Consumer Electronics Technician – Distribution Transformer Repair 400 340000 4 Electrician (ITI Pulwama, pampore and Tral 4
CCTV Installation Technician 400 340000 4 Mechanic Consumer Electronics (ITI Pampore) 5
Solar Panel Installation Technician 440 374000 4 Mechanic AC & Refrigeration (ITI Pulwama) 5
Diploma in Installation & Repair of Consumer Electronics Products 350 297500 4 Electronic Mechanic  (ITI Pulwama) 5
6 IT Sector Certificate Course in cricket bat manfacturing 300 255000 4
Assistant Carpentor 240 204000 3