Animal Husbandry
The rearing of live stock is a very critical and core activity in the economic profile of the Union Territory. Although it is adopted as a subsidiary occupation by a majority of the rural population, yet it constitutes a vital activity from the stand point of the economic welfare of the farmers. However, in a bizarre anatomy, the nomadic gaudier and Bakerwal population depends exclusively on sheep rearing for its livelihood. Most of the stock is local and inferior in quality. Various steps are being taken to improve the quality and quantity of live stock.
The source of live stock data is the live stock census. It may, however, be pointed out that bulk of our live stock population is migratory and is recorded on de-facto basis. The district and tehsil wise break up, therefore, is not of much relevance and has only academic interest.
It is a matter of great pride that District Pulwama leads in both milk as well as poultry production and is rightly called as “Anand of Kashmir” for achieving record milk production of more than 7.50 lac litres per day and “Ludhiana 0f Kashmir” for highest poultry production of about 287 lac Broilers. The annual milk production in the district during the year 2017-18 has been recorded 284 Th. Tons, the highest in J & K amounting to an annual revenue generation of around 261 Crores. Availability of milk per-capita in our district is about 1300 Ml/day which is far higher than the ICMR recommendation of 260 ml. Similarly, under poultry sector the district has backyard poultry population of 2.25 lacs and an annual broiler production of 287lac birds (2017-18). There are 1504 registered broiler poultry farms ranging from 500 to 30,000 chicks catering the demands of the human population with an annual meat production of 429.90 lac Kgs amounting to an annual revenue generation of around 400 Crores approximately. Per capita availability of poultry meat/day is 205g/day which is higher than ICMR recommended 29.59 g/day. To give boost to Poultry production, the department is doing an excellent work by conducting extension activities in different areas of the district, attracting the young unemployed youth towards poultry farming as well as providing health cover to the poultry by providing technical know-how, treatment facilities, vaccination and periodical camps.
To offer the recommended cold chain facilities for the preservation of vaccines, a cold chamber has been installed recently at the cost of 4.5 lacs in the confines of District Diagnostic laboratory Pulwama. This will not only help in preventing heat shock and denaturation of the vaccines but also preserve them for a longer period of time, thereby, increasing their overall availability throughout the year.
An X-Ray plant has also been set up in the District Hospital recently which will immensely aid and boost the disease diagnosis thus helping in rendering fast and accurate treatment facilities.
Major Achievements of Animal Husbandry Department Pulwama
- The district has achieved the Conversion of local breeds into cross breeds to the tune of 98% there by significantly increasing the milk production to the tone of 274 Thousand tons thus not only achieving self sufficiency but also supplying milk to other districts as well.
- The poultry population has considerably increased to 300 lac birds annually with annual increase in Poultry meat production to about 45000 MT.
- To offer the recommended cold chain facilities for the preservation of vaccines, a cold chamber has been installed recently at the cost of 4.50 lacs in the confines of District Diagnostic laboratory Pulwama. This will not only help in preventing heat shock and denaturation of the vaccines but also preserve them for a longer period of time, thereby, increasing their overall availability throughout the year.
- An X-Ray plant has also been set up in the District Hospital recently at the cost Rs 5.00 lac which will immensely aid and boost the disease diagnosis thus helping in rendering fast and accurate treatment facilities.
- 1520 commercial poultry farms have been established till date.
- Under employment generating Scheme DEDS, 180 cases have been sponsored to various bank branches out of which 69 cases have been sanctioned till date.
The major objective of Animal Husbandry envisages enhancing magnitude of production, improving quality of produce and reducing cost of production. The key to success of preserving and improving the productivity potential of existing livestock, in genetically improved breeds, lies in accomplishment of following objectives:
- Improvement in quality of animals by improving their traits.
- Manipulation/Improvement of animal production viz a viz, Increase in Milk production, Poultry Meat Production and Egg Production
- Effective nutrient utilization
- Reduction of morbidity and mortality
- Market intervention by co-operative farming
- Employment generation
For achieving the aims and objectives mentioned above, the Department through a well knit network of the institutions in District Pulwama at village and Tehsil level has provided specialized services where technical and scientific programmes are being carried out in following sectors:
- Cattle Development
- Frozen Semen Technology
- Animal Health
- Supply of Biological Products and Preventive Vaccine
- Poultry Development
- Fodder Development
- Extension Activities