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Latest Schemes and Activities Of All The Departments. JKPDCLSheep Husbandry Animal Husbandry HORTICULTURE P&MEducationHandloomHandicraftsAgricultureFood civil supp. & consumer affairsHorticultureSocial Welfare DepartmentELECTIONMC AwantiporaNHM DepartmentGovt.Degree College Women PulwamaGeology and Mining.MC PulwamaLabour DepartmentSoil and Water Conservation(Forest)D I CTransport DepartmentForest DepartmentMC TralJKPDCL jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Slider $('.home-slider').flexslider({ animation: ($('body').hasClass('rtl'))?"fade":"slide", directionNav: true, prevText: "Previous", nextText: "Next", pausePlay: true, pauseText: "Pause", [...]