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District Skill Development

jQuery(document).ready(function($) { // Slider $('.home-slider').flexslider({ animation: ($('body').hasClass('rtl'))?"fade":"slide", directionNav: true, prevText: "Previous", nextText: "Next", pausePlay: true, pauseText: "Pause", playText: "Play", controlNav: false, start: function(slider){ $('body').find('.flexslider').resize(); if(slider.count==1){ slider.pausePlay.parent().remove(); } $('.home-slider ul.slides li.clone a').each(function() { $(this).replaceWith($(this).html()); }) } }); }); Skill ProfileCurrent ScenarioEconomyEmploymentSkill Based Institution CoursesInfrastructureSkill DemandAnalysisAction PlanSkill Profile DISTRICT PROFILE The District is centrally located in the [...]