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Training prog for ROs, AROs held at Pulwama

Pulwama 14 February 2020:  In view of Panchayat By-Elections 2020  District Election Office Pulwama under the supervision of District Panchayat  Election Officer Dr  Raghav Langer  today organized a training program for Returning Officers (ROs) and Assistant returning officers (AROs) at DC office Complex  Pulwama.  On the occasion, RO’s and AERO’s were imparted training about their role […]

First Intra- District Video Conferencing System started in Pulwama

Initiative under e- Governance would connect public with govt institutions: DDC Pulwama. PULWAMA 12 Feb. 20: In a first of its kind , District administration Pulwama launched an Intra- district video conferencing system in the district here today. Terming the initiative as an important step towards good governance DDC said that the  system will help in […]

Massive Participation of People at Public Darbar at Achgoza

Massive Participation of People at Public Darbar at Achgoza Providing accessible and responsive Administration is our priority : DC Pulwama. Scores of grievances redressed on spot, dozens of public darbars held all across the district in the shortest span. PULWAMA11 February 2020: District Development Commissioner Dr Raghav Langer along with district officers todayconducted an Awami Durbar […]

DDC Pulwama flags off farmers exposure tour

Pulwama 10 February 2020:District Development Commissioner Dr Raghav Langer  today flagged off farmers’ tour   organized by Horticulture Department under MIDH from DC office Complex Pulwama. During the tour,100 farmers across the district  will visit reputed horticulture institution ‘Central Institute of Temperature Horticulture’ Srinagar           While interacting with the farmers, the DDC emphasized upon the farmers to avail benefits of […]

DC Pulwama Declared Open Kabadi Rolling Trophy.

Pulwama 8 Feb 2020:Deputy Commissioner Pulwama Dr Raghav Langer in presence of Principal Government Degree College today declared open Kabadi Rolling Trophy organised by Department of Higher Education at Govt Degree College Pulwama. The first match of the trophy was played between GDC Shopian and GDC Pulwama. The  Trophy  will continue till 17 February , 2020,  and  […]

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir is Visiting District Pulwama on 06.02.2020

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir is Visiting District Pulwama to review Development Scenario

Work Distribution Chart

Work Distribution Chart SECTION HEAD/ ASSISTANT/ RK WORK ASSIGNED Officer I/C /Route through  Personal Section of DEPUTY COMMISSIONER 1.     Mushtaq Ahmad Malik      NT/ PA 2.     Mohammad Ishaq Shah    Stenographer 3.     Deen Mohammad            Stenographer 4.     Abdul Rashid Dar             Jr. Assistant 5.     Farooq Ahmad Mir           Orderly 1.    Personal and Confidential Work of Deputy [...]