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Deputy Commissioner Pulwama reviews status of works on AIIMS project

District Development Commissioner, Pulwama, Dr Syed Abid Rashid Shah  chaired a meeting to review the status of ongoing work on prestigious AIIMS project coming up on 1772 kanals of land at Awantipora.

DDC Pulwama calls for geo-tagging, restoration of springs under Jal Shakti Abiyan

District Development Commissioner (DDC) Pulwama Dr Syed Abid Rashid today convened a meeting regarding the implementation of Jal Shakti Abhiyan, a water conservation campaign initiated by Union Ministry of Jal Shakti here at DC office Complex Pulwama. The meeting was attended by Assistant Commissioner Development, Chief education Officer, Principals of Degree colleges, AD Planning, Exen […]

Tehsildar Tral conquers hearts, Walks 70 km distance to reach the Cloud burst spot at Brari Angan village

Tehsildar Aripal , Tral Zubair Ahmad Bhat (KAS), set a precedence for other officers in the district administration as he walked a distance of 70 km to reach the cloud burst spot in which 148 sheep were lost at Brari Angan, a summer pasture, 35 km uphill from last village of Tral area, Nargistan village […]

DM pulwama talk to children about empowerment through education and self confidence building.

District Development Commissioner Pulwama Dr Syed Abid Rashid Shah today hosted a lunch for 44 orphans and deprived children of Markazi Falah-i-Atfaal Patal Bagh Galandar here at Circuit House Pulwama. During interaction the DDC advised them to build self-confidence and self image. Calling education as an only empowering tool in life, the DDC stressed upon […]

Deputy Commissioner Pulwama reviews status of works on AIIMS project

District Development Commissioner, Pulwama, Dr Syed Abid Rashid Shah  chaired a meeting to review the status of ongoing work on prestigious AIIMS project coming up on 1772 kanals of land at Awantipora. The  meeting was attended by the ADC Awantipora, Joint Director Planning, Tehsildar Awantipora, officers of PDD, PHE, Executive Engineer Ground Water Management, Exen […]