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1-10 of Total 621 results

Visit of Hon’ble Advisor to District Pulwama

Hon’ble Advisor Shri Vijay Kumar, Advisor to Hon’ble Governor, J&K State to District Pulwama, in order to review the developmental activities and law & order situation in the district.

Complaints Committee for Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace

Reconstruction of a complaints committee under sexual harassment of women at workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013

Interview for Support Staff

Conducting of interview for the engagement of Technical Assistant under MGNREGA

Recruitment of Supporting Staff under MGNREGA

Advertisement notice for engagement of Technical Assistants under MGNREGA on contractual basis in District Pulwama

Checklists for smooth Migration to SWaaS

Enhancing the quality and accessibility of content 1. Use H1, H2, H3… H6 tags to structure content on each page, instead of using bold and different font sizes: Purpose / Why: Different font sizes may visually convey some sense of what is more important in content, however for the audiences who are differently able, Accessibility […]